The first in this series begins by getting to the root of the bully problem. The bottom line of why there are bullies in this world (other than the fact that we humans have a selfish sinful [...]
Every two years, and especially every four years we are bombarded with political commercials. Many of them tell us it is time for a change. Change in the economy, change in the direction the current[...]
Freedom. I am so thankful for our freedom. We truly live in the greatest country in the world. Today America celebrates freedom and remembers those who risked and gave their lives to give it to [...]
Have you ever heard this phrase? "Everything happens for a reason." I'm sure you have or at least something similar. Well I came across a new phrase recently that I really like. "Everything happens[...]
We all are on this journey called of life. The question is which road are you on? How much of your life have you spent wasting your time being average? I don't want to be average. There is nothing [...]
I took two of my sons to the midnight showing of The Avengers last night. Awesome flick - I highly recommend. Clean too - always a plus. Everyone is looking for a hero. We all love heroes. Most [...]
You wanna fight like a girl? Before you answer that question let me share a few things with you. In the summer of 2011 we started to develop a women's self defense program. We had realized that [...]
Do you believe in what you are doing? This month we have been talking about doing things with excellence. No matter how small or menial a task is, we should do it with all our heart. Do nothing [...]
I have been thinking lately about being faithful in the little things. Many people are familiar with that phrase and it is also a sound business principle taken from the Bible. Jesus said if you are[...]
In Loving Memory - Ted Lowrie at Shorinkan Family Karate About six weeks ago I mentioned Ted in my post about goals and how my wife and I have implemented his business strategies to help us create [...]
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