• Karate Terminology

  • Shorin-ryu Shorinkan Karate Terminology



    Age tsuki - rising punch

    Age uke - rising block

    Anata wa - and you?

    Antei - balance

    Arigato gozaimasu - thank you

    Ashi - leg

    Ashi baral - leg sweep

    Atama - head

    Ato de - Later


    Bo - Six foot staff (Weapon)

    Bojutsu - Art of the Bo

    Bunkai - Analysis of a move in a kata

    Bushi - Warrior

    Bushido - Way of the warrior


    Chudan - Middle area

    Chudan uke - Middle block


    Dachi - Stance

    Dai (Dai Ichi) - Number

    Dai (Passai Dai) - Greater, major

    Dai sempai - Most senior student

    Dan - Black belt rank

    Deashibarai - Forward foot sweep

    Denwa - Telephone

    Do - The way or path

    Doita shimashite - You are welcome

    Dojo - Place to train

    Domo arigato gozaimasu - Thank you very much

    Dozo - Please


    Ee-EH, wah-KAH-ree-mah-sehn - No, I do not understand

    Ee-KEE-mah-shoh - Let's go

    Eku - Oar (Weapon)

    Empi - Elbow


    Fukyu - Fundamental

    Fumi komi - Stomping (kick)


    Gedan - Lower area

    Gedan uke - Lower block

    Genki desu - I am fine

    Geri - Kick

    Gi - Karate uniform

    Go - Hard or #5

    Gyaku tsuki - Reverse punch


    Hachiji dachi - Open stance

    Hai - Yes

    Haishu - Back of hand

    Haisoku - Instep of foot

    Haito - Ridge of hand

    Hajime - Begin

    Hanshi - Grand Master

    Hara - Abdomen, center of Ki

    Hayaku - Quickly

    Heiko dachi - Parallel stance

    Heisoku dachi - Closed foot stance

    Hidari - Left

    Hiji - Elbow

    Hiji - Elbow smash

    Hiza - Knee


    Ikaga desu ka - How are you

    Ima - Now

    Ippon ken - One knuckle fist

    Itchoku sen - Straight line


    Jiyu kumite - Free style sparring

    Jo - Four foot staff

    Jodan - Upper area

    Jodan uke - Upper block

    Ju - Soft or the #10

    Judan - 10th Degree Black Belt

    Jutsu - Art


    Kakato - Heel of foot

    Kake geri - Hook kick

    Kama - Sickle (Weapon)

    Kamae - Fighting stance

    Kansetsu - Knuckles

    Kao - Face

    Kara - Empty

    Karate - Empty hand

    Karate do - The way of the empty hand

    Kata - Predetermined form

    Keage - Snap (kick)

    Keiko - Practice drill

    Kekomi - Thrust (kick)

    Ki - Spirit

    Kiai - Spirit shout

    Kiba dachi - Horse riding stance

    Kihon - Basic

    Kime - Focus

    Kimochi - Attitude

    Kin geri - Groin kick

    Kiotsuke - Attention

    Kobudo - Ancient martial ways

    Kobujutsu - Art of ancient weapons

    Kohai - Junior

    Kokegi - Attacher

    Koko - Here

    Kokoro - Mind, heart, spirit, feeling

    Kokutsu dachi - Back stance

    Konban wa - Good evening

    Konnichi wa - Good afternoon, hello

    Koroshi waza - Killing technique

    Kosa dachi - Cross-legged stance

    Koshi - Hips, ball of foot

    Kudasai - Please, give me the favor of

    Kumite - Practice fighting

    Kuzushi - Leverage

    Kyobu - Chest

    Kyoshi - Karate master title (7th & 8th Degree)

    Kyu - Non black belt rank

    Kyushu jutsu - The art of striking vital points


    Ma - Distance

    Maai - Individual distance

    Mae - Front

    Mae geri - Front kick

    Makiwara - Punching board

    Massugu - Straight

    Matte - Wait

    Mawashi geri - Round house kick

    Mawate - Turn

    Migi - Right

    Migikae tsuki - Jab punch

    Mikazuki geri - Crescent kick

    Modotte - Return to ready position

    MOH ee-chee-doh, oh-NEH-gah-ee shee-mahs? - Could you repeat it please?

    Mokuso - Quiet meditation

    Mokuso owari - Meditation over

    Morote uke - Augmented block

    Mudansha - Kyu rank holder

    Mushubi dachi - Open foot, attention stance

    Mutskasaee - Difficult


    Nage waza - Throwing technique

    Nagore - Deep breathing

    Naihanchi dachi - Iron horse stance

    Naisan - Man, Women, boy or girl

    Nan-jee-dehs-ka? - What time is it?

    Narra be nassai - Line up

    Neko - Cat

    Neko ashi dachi - Cat leg stance

    Nidan geri - Double kick

    Nihongo - Japanese language

    Nuhite - Spear hand

    Nunchaku - Flail (Weapon)


    O-hayo gozaimas - Good morning

    O-negai shimasu - Teach me, please

    O-yasami nasai - Good night

    Obi - Belt

    Ot tsuki - Lunge punch

    Owari mastah - Over, finished


    Rei - Bow, courtesy

    Renshi - Highest teacher

    Renshu - To study

    Ryu - School or system, way

    Ryukyu - The archipelago, known as Okinawa


    Sai - Truncheon (Weapon)

    Sanchin dachi - Hour glass stance

    Sashi buri desu ne - Long time no see

    Sayonara - Good bye (forever)

    Seiken - Forefist

    Seiken tsuki - Straight punch

    Seiza - Formal sitting posture

    Sempai - Senior student

    Senaka - Back of body

    Sensei - Teacher, Instructor

    Shiai - Match, contest

    Shihan - Master instructor

    Shiko dachi - Split or square stance

    Shin ken - Serious

    Sho - Small, minor

    Shomei - Front central area of dojo

    Shomen - Front

    Shomen ni rei - Bow to the front

    Shurey no kuni - The country that keeps respect (On our patch)

    Shuto - Knife hand

    Sorede Wa Mata- See you later

    Soto uke - Outside middle block


    Tabemono - Food

    Tai - Body

    Tai sabaki - Body shifting

    Takai - Expensive

    Talso - Exercise

    Tameshi wara - Breaking

    Tatami - Straw floor mat

    Tate - Standing, vertical

    Tate tsuki - Vertical fist punch

    Te - Hand

    Teisho - Palm heel

    Tettsui - Hammer fist

    Tobi geri - Jump kick

    Tonfa - Handle (Weapon)

    Tsuki - Punch

    Tsuyoki - Strong spirit

    Tuite waza - Grappling hand technique


    Uchi - Strike

    Uchi uke - Inside middle block

    Ude - Arm

    Uke - Defender, block

    Ura tsuki - Inverted punch

    Uraken - Back fist

    Ushiro geri - Back kick


    Wah-KAH-ree mahs KAH? - Do you understand?

    Waza - Technique


    Yakusoku kumite - Promised Fighting/Predetermined sparring

    Yame - Stop

    Yasashee - Easy

    Yasui - Cheap

    Yasunde - Relax

    Yoi - Ready

    Yoko - Side

    Yoko geri - Side kick