We are excited! Very excited! Kym Rock, 7 Time World Karate Champion and Founder of Fight Like a Girl (FLAG) is coming to Canon City, CO on April 12th, 2012. We are co-hosting a FLAG Personal [...]
How often do you get asked for a favor? How about someone who wants to borrow money or something else from you? How about someone who wants to constantly talk about virtually nothing and waste a lot [...]
"Never ever ever give up!" Probably the most famous quote about not surrendering. Taken from a speech given on October 29, 1941 to the boys at Harrow School by Winston Churchill. The full quote is[...]
Has your summer gone by fast? Mine has. It is already August 1st. Time is always slipping away if we let it. You have today, right now. You are not promised tomorrow. What are you going to do in [...]
This is the final part in our series of 7 things to know before choosing a martial arts school. Does the school have a character building program besides all the kicking and punching? Do they have a [...]
Talk to students and parents that are already in the school. A professional school will encourage you to do this. In a healthy and safe martial arts school, there should be plenty of smiles from [...]
How much? What are the costs? Some good questions to ask are: How much are the start up costs? How much do they charge for belt tests? How often do belt tests take place? Will I be required to [...]
A professional martial arts school will be a safe place to be. Safety should always be the number one concern above all else when your child is involved in any activity. The school should be clean and[...]
Watching classes – Is there an area for parents and other family members to sit and enjoy the classes? It is very important for parents to be involved in their child’s martial arts classes. A good[...]
2) Who is teaching the classes and what is their teaching style? Does he teach in a positive uplifting encouraging manner or is it more militaristic and aggressive? Is he respectful to you or do you [...]
Address: 722 Main St. Cañon City, Colorado
Call: (719)276-0393
Email: [email protected]
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