Shorin-ryu Shorinkan Karate Terminology -A- Age tsuki - rising punch Age uke - rising block Anata wa - and you? Antei - balance Arigato gozaimasu - thank you Ashi - leg Ashi baral - leg [...]
Hi! Thank you so much for the amazing honor to teach your child karate. We hope all your child’s dreams and your goals for your child of confidence, self control, focus or whatever it is you want [...]
Do you hide in the baggage? Something hit me yesterday that I found interesting. I was reading in the Old Testament about Saul. He had been chosen by God to be the first king that the nation of [...]
Ok, I know that was long title, but the evening was worth it. “WOW! I didn’t know there were such cool people in this school!” commented one student. Two weeks ago on a Thursday night we [...]
Ok, confession time. Last night coming home from karate, a dim light shown in the darkness as we drove up the hill, getting ever brighter as we got closer to our house…. Yes, it was coming from [...]
Does it hold up your pants? Sometimes. Is it something to spank your kids with? Maybe. What is a Black Belt really? You will get a number of different answers to this question. It depends[...]
Hey, how was your summer? I hope it was awesome! Summer is basically over and we have four months left of 2014. Can you believe that 2/3 of this year has already past? How have you done on [...]
Hey! Do you like drama? I certainly don't, but some people do. Now I'm not talking about a good book or movie. Let me ask you a couple of questions so you can get an understanding of where I [...]
In the past I have had bad experiences with “professionals” teaching students techniques that could lead to great bodily harm. More than once I have taken my kids out of classes that were harmful.[...]
Ok, we have arrived at the final article in this series on honor. This one even has its own title. It's Not About You! Well, that is not entirely true. It is about you in the sense that you [...]
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