We are excited! Very excited! Kym Rock, 7 Time World Karate Champion and Founder of Fight Like a Girl (FLAG) is coming to Canon City, CO on April 12th, 2012. We are co-hosting a FLAG Personal [...]
How often do you get asked for a favor? How about someone who wants to borrow money or something else from you? How about someone who wants to constantly talk about virtually nothing and waste a lot [...]
So how did you do this week on achieving your goals? Did you hit the target or fall way short? I was able to achieve several goals this week including losing 5 pounds and growing my business by 6%. [...]
So how did you do on your goals this past year? I achieved some but not all of mine. One of my main goals this past year was to grow our karate school. We more than doubled the size of our school [...]
Well, the holidays are here. So do we just stop and take a break from pursuing our dreams? Uh, no. Take a look at the retailers. Do they quit because Christmas is here? Definitely not. This is [...]
"Never ever ever give up!" Probably the most famous quote about not surrendering. Taken from a speech given on October 29, 1941 to the boys at Harrow School by Winston Churchill. The full quote is[...]
Well alright then. Don't you think it is about time to roll up those sleeves and put a little elbow grease into it? I was listening to Dani Johnson's Radio Show this morning and got fired up like I [...]
Watching an older episode of "Psych" last night with the family, I laughed out loud (as I usually do with Shawn Spencer's one liners). Shawn's long lost treasure hunting Uncle Jack came back into [...]
How many times in your life have you just gone through the motions? Was it worth it? Probably not. It's easy sometimes to just go through the motions when you are tired, burned out, discouraged, [...]
Have you ever been backed into a corner and felt there was no way out? Are the pressures around you closing in harder upon you like a submarine sinking into the depths of the ocean? Are you boxed in[...]
Address: 722 Main St. Cañon City, Colorado
Call: (719)276-0393
Email: [email protected]
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