• Second Chance

  • Do you ever wish you had a second chance at something?  How about a third or a fourth chance?

    We can all look back on our lives and see situations that we would like to change.  Hind sight is always 20/20.  But we can’t go back in time.

    Someone once told me that a rear view mirror is designed for a quick glance behind you, but then you have to put your eyes back in front of you.  If you keep looking back, you will get in an accident.  In other words, don’t live in the past,  put your eyes on the road that is in front of you.

    We can’t change our past, but we can change our future.  We do not have to let our past dictate how we live our future.  There will be consequences for our actions, but how we react to those consequences will determine if we keep living our life by default or make a change and start living our life by design.

    For example, if you abuse drugs or alcohol, you can choose to get some help and change.  If you have a bad habit of foolishly spending all your money and then you stress every month over how you will pay your bills, you can make a change.  You can have another chance today.

    Some things you will never get another chance at, but don’t let that stop you in everything else.  You don’t have to wait until January 1st to make a resolution.  Give yourself another chance at something that you failed at before.  Just because you failed once or twice or more times, doesn’t mean you won’t succeed this next time.

    So are you ready for another another chance?