• Play to Win!

  • Everybody likes to win, right? So why not play to win?  Why not give it your best shot?  Whatever that might be.

    Am I competitive?  Yes.  But it goes way beyond that.  I apply that line of thought to whatever I am doing in my life.  If I want to be better at something, I practice.  If I want to learn a subject, I study it.  If I want to be more successful in whatever area, I go for it.  I play to win.

    You don’t walk out of your house in the morning on your way to work or school and think to yourself – I am going to be average today, do you?  I think I will just be mediocre today.  No, of course not.  You may not be consciously thinking I am going to conquer the world today, but you should be thinking about giving it your best shot in whatever you are doing.  Otherwise what is the purpose?  You definitely don’t want to start off your day completely defeated.  Most people just go through life like a ping pong ball getting tossed around and just trying to go with the flow.  Is that the kind of life you want to live?  I hope not.

    If you are living that kind of life, guess what?  You can change it.  It’s your choice.  The difference between those that are successful and those that are defeated is the way they think.  If you constantly think you are never going to make it and complain about it all the time, then that is what is going to happen.  But if you decide that you are going to make it in whatever you set your heart to do, and you are determined to give it your best shot – then you have an excellent chance of being successful in your goals and dreams.  I have lived defeated before, and I can guarantee you that it is a much more fulfilling life to live if you are pursuing your dreams.

    If you are looking for a way to raise your kids to be successful and challenge them to pursue their dreams, then you need to take a look at this!  Find out how to Groom Your Kids for Success!  Don’t waste another minute wondering what to do.  Click Here Now!

    There is a new way of thinking out in the world that wants to level the playing field so everyone wins.  They don’t keep score at kid’s games, everybody gets a trophy, blah blah blah.  Well, wake up call – It is not like that in the real world!  Life is full of winning and losing.  Get used to it.  Being taught a false view of what winning and losing really is won’t help someone face the real world.

    I can think of a few instances of where it is ok to level the playing field and “let” the other person win.  For example, when my kids were younger I would sometimes “let them win” a game we were playing to help them build their confidence.  But since they have gotten older, I never “let them win” anymore if I can help it.  I will do my best and not hold anything back.  And yes, we do keep score.  They also learned the value of good sportsmanship whether they won or lost.

    In the real world, you win some and you lose some.  There is truth in the old saying – “It’s doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.”  So why not live your life knowing in your heart that you are giving it your best shot?

    So in your life, are you playing to win?