• Oh No You Don’t!

  • This article was originally posted here.

    “Oh, no you don’t!”

    I heard this story a few months ago.

    Bringing her young daughter and traveling to a nearby city is challenging enough wouldn’t you say? They were going to find some fabric but couldn’t find the store so they popped into a different craft store just to see if they had fabric. Unfortunately the clerk said they didn’t have any so she suggested the store she was looking for in the first place.

    The mom got directions while talking to the clerk at the cash register. She just happened to turn to look at the man next to her waiting his turn to make his purchase. She then walked back out to her car, buckled her daughter into her car seat and headed to the other store. As she walked up to the door a familiar face greeted her with a smile. It was the man from the other store! He said with a sinister type grin—”Oh, I see you made it”. Can you say CREEPY…????

    This lady with awareness all over her burned her stare straight back into this man’s eyes. He had eaves dropped on her conversation and followed her! But she didn’t back down. No way! She let him know with her eyes she was not going to let him proceed with whatever he had in mind. While in the store she cleared her head and decided if he was still there when she checked out, she would ask a clerk to walk out to her car with her. He had already left… he was looking for another easy victim… it was not her…..way to go, Mom.

    Whatever you do, don’t be a easy victim. Walk with your head high, looking around, always aware, always confident, knowing how awesome you are, where you are, be in the moment—focused! You can do it!