How many times in your life have you just gone through the motions? Was it worth it? Probably not.
It’s easy sometimes to just go through the motions when you are tired, burned out, discouraged, defeated, upset, sad or just plain lazy. Sometimes your emotions can help you not go through the motions – such as when you are happy or excited, maybe even angry. Being happy and excited is a good thing, but how do you sustain it? Anger can sometimes give you a drive to excel. Then again it can really screw up your day if you lash out at others irrationally.
So how do we live life not going through the motions? I have decided that one of the key factors that determine living a life of not going through the motions is our attitude. When our attitude stinks, our life usually does too. Then we tend to just go through the motions and suck everyone down along with us. I don’t like to be around people who are like that. Please forgive me if I have done it to you.
If our attitude is positive and we have decided to succeed no matter what comes our way, then it is much easier to do everything with a whole heart and not just go through the motions. I am not talking about being fake and living mentally where everything is oreo cookies and sunshine or Willy Wonka’s candy land. I am talking about determining to succeed and excel in all that you do regardless of the discouraging circumstances around you. If you are a Christian, the bible tells us to “be not weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not” Galatians 6:9. We can’t give up. The harvest will come. Hang on!
Strive for excellence. Don’t do anything half-heartedly. Don’t just go through the motions anymore. Put your whole heart into all that you do, otherwise it is not worth it. Be the best that you can be and don’t settle for anything less. You’ll be glad you did.