• Feeling too old to Dream?


    “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.” – C.S. Lewis.
    That is so true and it is what I live by. I didn’t always feel that way though. There have been a few different times in my life that I thought it was too late to change careers or too late to go back to school or whatever. But not anymore.

    I used to think that it was too hard or next to impossible to achieve something I wanted. Maybe it was, and I would let those thoughts discourage me from even trying. But not anymore.

    Now when that mountain appears before me on the horizon I think – am I going over? under? around or through? Life is too short to allow the challenges we face to stop us from living it. If you feel it is overwhelming, then start small. Set a goal you want to achieve and take one small step in getting there. Make a commitment either daily or weekly to take a few minutes towards achieving that goal. You will soon be pleasantly surprised by the results.

    Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t make it or that it is impossible. The ones that tell you that usually are too scared or too lazy to try it for themselves and they don’t want anyone else to make them look bad. Surround yourself with friends that are chasing after their dreams and that will encourage you to go for it.

    Because remember-

    “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.”