We traveled out of state recently and on our return we hit bad weather. I-17 was closed about 45 miles South of Flagstaff. There was a lot of snow and ice as you headed North so the Highway Patrol shut it down. We had 3 options (remember, there are always options) – left, right or turn around. We chose left.
Instead of a double lane 75 mph freeway we soon found ourselves on a 25 mph snow and ice covered windy mountainous road.
We had a long way home and we wanted to make good time, so was the detour inconvenient? Yes, but it was worth it. Because we discovered some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. It definitely rivals our Colorado Rockies.
In life and business, there will always be detours. We can complain about them all day long if we want to. Will that help? Not really. We just may end up more frustrated and also frustrate those around us. We could waste a lot of time doing that. When we were detoured, we instantly decided to make the best of it. It probably was too dangerous on I-17 because it does get pretty nasty on that stretch of road. The detour we took went up through Sedona. We were surrounded by trees with beautiful fall colored leaves. There were enormous rock outcroppings, valleys and scenic views. It was amazing!
The purpose of looking in a rear view mirror is just to take a quick glance at what is behind you. Notice I said quick. It is simply supposed to be a reference point. If you keep your eyes on what is behind you for too long, you will crash. Don’t spend a lot of time looking behind you and complaining about what could have been. Otherwise you may miss something beautiful that lies right in front of you.
I am thankful for that detour, because it may have saved our lives. We also have found a new place to visit on our next trip.