Have you realized that where you are in life right now is a culmination of the choices you have made? Let me say that again. Where you are financially, physically, emotionally and spiritually is basically a result of all the decisions and choices you have made up to now.
Now I should throw in a disclaimer here before I get into trouble. Granted there are circumstances beyond our control that affect us. Some of you may have physical or mental limitations from birth or maybe you have been in an accident. Maybe someone has totally screwed you over and taken your money, labor or heart. Having said that – you still have made choices. We all have. The exciting thing is – We still have choices to make!
Our choices affect us and the people around us. Let’s start with some simple things like driving down the road and someone cuts you off or some other unsafe maneuver. Do you shout at them “Stupid idiot!” or something not so nice…all the while your kids are listening in the back seat? What does that teach them? While driving, curse somebody who makes a mistake. Choice. What if you turned that into a teaching moment instead? “Hey kids, did you see what that driver did? He didn’t see me or was taking a chance. Be sure to always check your blind spot when you are driving to avoid an accident.” That simple choice can have a big impact on your attitude, plus your kids perception of the world and how they will choose to act while driving.
How about something bigger like deciding to use credit cards and get yourself into debt? Or investing in something without really looking into it. What about that 2nd or 3rd helping of that cheescake because it just tastes really good? Choice. All of our choices have consequences. Most of us have already paid the price or are currently paying the price for the choices we have made. You really do reap what you sow.
Ok – I mentioned before that the exciting thing is – We still have choices to make! That is exciting. The first choice to make at this point is to admit that where you are is because of your choices. Not easy to do because we are generally proud people and it is much easier to blame others or our circumstances for where we are. But if you can humble yourself and take responsibility for your choices and actions – the truth can set you free. Then start making choices that put you on a path to success!
The other night I was watching the Fantastic Four – Rise of the Silver Surfer. The Silver Surfer was asked why he was destroying earth. He replied, “I have no choice.” Later in the movie he said, “There is always a choice.”
No matter what you are going through, even though you may not see it, there is always a choice. Make it a good one.