Every two years, and especially every four years we are bombarded with political commercials. Many of them tell us it is time for a change. Change in the economy, change in the direction the current leaders are taking us…change, change, change.
I don’t mind change, in fact I often welcome it. It helps to keep you from becoming complacent and taking things for granted.
However, the politician’s idea of change is usually some regurgitated idea from the previous elected official from his party. Instead of change, how about results? How many of you out there would like to see some real results instead of just hearing that we need change? The current administration in the White House ran the 2008 campaign on a theme of change. Well, this country has changed. It is not the same as it once was. You can decide if you like the change or not.
What I want is results.
Don’t count on your political leaders to bring about the change you want. If you want change in your life, then you will have to do it yourself. If you don’t change, then guess what? Nothing in your life will change. Simple huh? The concept is simple, the application is hard. It is hard to change. Most people are set in their ways. The age old definition of insanity if doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you want change, you have to be teachable. Being teachable brings about change which in turn produces results.
Again, I want results. How about you?