• The Reasons

  • Have you ever heard this phrase? “Everything happens for a reason.” I’m sure you have or at least something similar.

    Well I came across a new phrase recently that I really like. “Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that reason is that you are stupid and you make bad decisions.” I love it. Truthful and sarcastic at the same time.

    I can laugh at it because I have been there. There have been different trials in my life that I have over spiritualized what was happening. Or others were around me giving me “spiritual advice.” God must have a bigger plan in mind. This is happening for a reason. Blah blah blah. Well…sometimes that reason is that we are stupid and we make bad decisions.

    Disclaimer – Granted there are definitely sometimes circumstances and situations that are completely beyond our control and not our fault. I am not talking about those times.

    I am talking about when things happen to us because we made a stupid decision. How many times have you seen the warning flags and yet still went ahead and made your stupid decision? Like spend your money irresponsibly and your electricity gets turned off because you couldn’t pay the bill. Or enter into a bad relationship because you thought it was your only option and you were lonely. Or because of feeling anxious you jump the gun on something. So many possibilities, but I think you are getting the idea.

    Well, there is good news. Take ownership of your problems. Stop making excuses. Stop blaming others. Admit where you just simply flat out “blew it.” It is so liberating. If all you do is make excuses and say everything happens for a reason, or listen to those around you telling you that – you will never be free. But if you can humble yourself and say – “It’s my fault” – you will have freedom. Acknowledging where you truly are is your first step to freedom. Knowledge is power.

    So the next time you are sharing your life with someone and you use the phrase – “Everything happens for a reason” – let that reason be because you planned it that way.