Watching an older episode of “Psych” last night with the family, I laughed out loud (as I usually do with Shawn Spencer’s one liners). Shawn’s long lost treasure hunting Uncle Jack came back into town. He was hot on the trail for ancient Spanish gold and needed help. Shawn’s dad was quick to inform his brother that there wasn’t any treasure. Shawn said half seriously, “Don’t listen to him Uncle Jack, he is a dream killer.”
Do you have dream killers in your life? Ever had a so-called friend or family member tell you that you can’t do it? Or you aren’t going to make it? How about a bad habit that truly is holding you back? Eating the wrong foods? Still smoking? Too many soap operas? TV? Or something else sucking your time?
Let’s address the friend or family issue for a moment. This is a subject that many people write and talk about. I have. The answer is simple. Make some new friends. Have you ever had the kind of friend that when they leave the room, it gets brighter? Ugh. So don’t spend time with them if they bring you down. Make friends with people that have similar visions and goals and want to be successful as much or more than you do. Make friends with those people that have achieved a level of success that you want to achieve.
As far as family goes, you are kind of stuck with them. However, you can still limit your involvement with them or stay off the topics on which you know you will disagree. Another way to go is to show by example that you are on the right path to success by actually succeeding. However you relate to them, don’t let them discourage you. Don’t give them any place in your brain or heart. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanore Roosevelt.
Bad habits – I know it is hard, but you can do it. Take whatever steps are necessary to be free. Have someone hold you accountable. Do whatever it takes.
Do you have a dream? Do you have a goal? Do you have a vision? Go for it!
Make a decision today – Don’t allow dream killers in your life anymore.