It’s not about you. Well for that matter, it’s not about me either. It’s about them. Which them? Everybody else them.
So many times we get hung up in our own little world and think that everything revolves around us. Well it doesn’t. Have you ever been around people that think it is all about them? Not very fun is it? All they do is talk about themselves. They can’t wait until you are done with your sentence so they can jump back in the conversation and tell you all about themselves. Now don’t get me wrong. It is ok to tell people about yourself. What I am getting at is those people that don’t really seem to care about anything else except what is going on in their life. Have you ever acted like that?
The problem can also get magnified if you are going through a difficult time. It is easy to get overwhelmed by your problems whether they be financial, relational or whatever. Then you start to turn inward and only become focused on what you are going through. All your conversations can become centered around your problems. During these times, I challenge you to not be concerned only about yourself. In this life, you will often be facing one trial or another. Don’t let it consume you. Reach out to someone else in the midst of your trial. Be interested in others.
I have discovered that when I genuinely care about someone else while I am going through something difficult, my problems seem to diminish. The answers come for me. The solution presents itself. When I reach out to someone and show interest in what they are doing, they feel valued. Ask them how they are doing. Ask about their family. What are their interests? Show that you care.
Do this, and you will probably meet someone who will do this for you. The Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Because it’s not about me or you, it’s about them.
Have a blessed day!